General FAQ
Yes, we encourage it, but there is a height limit of 12″ for all wigs and hats!
100 minutes with no intermission.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday @ 7pm, Saturday @ 5pm & 9pm, Sunday @ 3pm & 7pm.
Recommended for ages 12+ for sexual innuendo, adult humor, and language. It’s a night out, girlfriends!
The Daryl Roth Theatre is ADA accessible – Accessible seating is located in the first row – look for the wheelchair symbol on the seating map. There is an accessible restroom located on the same level, please ask an usher to direct you to it.
The Daryl Roth Theatre does not offer assistive devices.
No photography or video is allowed during the show except for at a specified moment.
Not currently.
Late seating will be at the discretion of the house manager. Please note that latecomers may not be able to access their purchased seats.
No outside food or drink is allowed in the theater. However, you can purchase alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages from the bar to take to your seat.
Yes, girlfriend! Head down to the bar area before the show.
Purchase a ticket and find out.
Purchase a ticket and find out.
The Daryl Roth Theatre does not offer a coat check, and TITANIQUE and the venue are not responsible for your personal belongings. Bags must be small enough to hold on your lap or tuck under your chair during the performance. Bags cannot be stored in aisles, next to or in front of your seat. Weapons are not permitted inside the theatre.
Please contact Lspjustin@gmail.com.
Ticketing FAQs
Tickets are sent via email.
Daryl Roth Theatre Box Office hours below for day of and advance sales purchase.
Tuesday: Noon – Curtain
Wednesday: Noon – Curtain
Thursday: Noon – Curtain
Saturday: 2:00 – Curtain
Tickets range from $58 to $140.
Yes, rush tickets are available for $49 on the day of the performance at the Daryl Roth Theatre Box Office. Tickets are limited to 2 per person and subject to daily availability.
Rush tickets are also available on TodayTix, info located on the bottom right of – https://www.todaytix.com/